Users can access different reports from the Profile screen in Restaurant POS depending on their permissions (See Assigning user roles). Tap the User Profile in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen to go to the Profile screen and then tap the Reports button to access the list of available reports.
The following reports are available from the Profile screen:
User report |
The User report summarizes the POS activity of the user currently logged in, including total revenue, tips, payments, and clock-in details. The time period of this report is based on the Opening Time set in Restaurant Manager. For example, if the opening time is set to 9:00 AM, the report will include data from 9:00 AM until 8:59 AM the next day. See Viewing User, User X, and User Z reports to learn how to run and understand this report. |
User report X |
The User X report contains the same information as the User report but for a different time period. This report covers the time between when the user last created a User Z report up to the current time. This report is typically used mid-shift as it is read-only and doesn't reset data. See Viewing User, User X, and User Z reports to learn how to run and understand this report. |
User report Z |
The User Z report covers the same information and time period as the User X report, but it resets user data for both of those reports when you create it. We recommend using this report at the end of a shift to get final user totals and reset those totals before the user’s next shift.
Day report |
A Day report contains revenue, tip, cash drawer/user wallet, and summarized receipt information for all users. The collected data begins and ends based on your Opening Time (see Company settings). For example, if your opening time is 9:00 am and you set the report date to July 15, the report will include data from July 15 9:00 am to July 16 9:00 am. See Creating Day and Detailed reports to learn how to run this report. |
Detailed Day report |
A Detailed Day report contains revenue, tip, cash drawer/user wallet, and detailed receipt information for all users. The collected data begins and ends based on your Opening Time (see Company settings). For example, if your opening time is 9:00 am and you set the report date to July 15, the report will include data from July 15 9:00 am to July 16 9:00 am. See Creating Day and Detailed reports to learn how to run this report. |
Floor report |
A Floor report is a day report but for a specified floor. It contains revenue, tip, cash drawer/user wallet, and summarized receipt information for that floor. For users to print a Floor report, they must have the user role "Allow print floor report" enabled. See Creating floor reports to learn how to run this report. |
Cash Drawer and User Wallet reports |
Generate an End of Shift (X) or End of Day (Z) Cash Drawer/User Wallet report. X reports include data from the last Z report generated to the current time. They're generally used at the end of a shift as running an X report does not reset cash drawer data. Z reports include data from the last Z report generated to the current time. They're generally used at the end of the day as running a Z report resets all cash-drawer data. See Creating Cash Drawer reports to learn how to run these reports. |
Global Closing reports (X/Z) |
Note: To enable this setting, you may need to contact Lightspeed Support. Once enabled, the setting can be found in Settings > Report Settings > Closing Reports (X/Z) in the Restaurant Manager. Closing reports (X/Z) are summaries of POS activity including total sales, opening/closing amount, and shift details. Previewing a global Closing report (X) allows you to view totals, while printing a global Closing Report (Z) will reset them. See Enabling and viewing global X/Z Closing reports to learn how to run and understand these reports. |