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Configuring your account in France

In accordance with Article 88 of the 2016 Finance Act, the French government now requires all businesses to use POS software that complies with government anti-fraud regulations.

Please ensure your account’s configuration matches the following criteria.


Enable your LiteServer

All accounts must be connected to an active LiteServer (local server) and not a cloudserver. Please contact Lightspeed for more information on purchasing or connecting your LiteServer.

Configure your Company Settings

  1. Enter a valid French address.
  2. Set the country to France.
  3. Enable the Include VAT setting.
  4. Enter a valid VAT number.
  5. Enter a valid Siret code.
  6. Enter a valid NAF code.

Enable the Fiscal Data Module type

  1. On the main menu, click Settings > FDM Settings
  2. Select French Fiscal from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Save to activate it on your account.

Already a Lightspeed customer in France and looking to make sure you're properly set up? Please validate the following account requirements in addition to the ones listed above. 

 Payment types

  • Enable the Reason setting on the Void receipt payment type
  • Delete all invoice payment types

VAT rates

  • Ensure all product VAT rates are either 5.5, 10 or 20%.

Printer Template

  1. From the main menu, click Printing > Printer Templates.
  2. Select the FDM template
  3. Select the printer where you want your VAT receipts to print. 
  4. Specify any addition settings (logo, name...). 
  5. Click OK to save.

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