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Adding products to shortcut categories

Shortcut categories group together existing products from other categories. When adding products to a shortcut category,  you select existing products from other categories instead of creating new ones. 

For more information on adding a shortcut category, see Creating shortcut categories.

For more information on creating products, see Creating products.

Adding products to shortcut categories

  1. From the side menu on Restaurant Manager, navigate to Products > Products
  2. From the left-hand menu, select the  shortcut category by name.
  3. On the Products page for the selected shortcut category, select the Add Product button. A modal will open on screen.
    • From the Add Products to Shortcut Category modal, navigate through already-created products and manually add. You can pull products from as many categories as you like.
  4. Once you have added products into the shortcut category, press Save.


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