Access the Settings section of Loyalty Manager to review or change your login credentials or manage the connection between Lightspeed Loyalty and Lightspeed Restaurant.
Account settings
To review your account summary and change your login password, click Settings > Account settings.
The account summary displays:
- Role
- App name (the name of your business)
- Account email (the email address of the account owner)
- Accept payments in (the currency your business operates in)
- Supported web portal/app language(s) (the languages available to customers in your branded Loyalty app or web portal. The customer must set the desired language in their device settings)
- Customer notification language (the default language for automated and marketing communications like SMS messages and Email)
Note: To change your Role, App name or Account email contact Lightspeed Support.
To change the currency you accept payments in:
- Click the drop-down menu beside Accept payments in and select a currency.
- Click Update account.
To select supported languages for your app/web portal:
- Click the drop-down menu beside Supported web portal/app language(s).
- Select one or more language(s).
To set the language for customer notifications:
- Click the drop-down menu beside Customer notification language.
- Select a language.
To change your password:
- Enter your current password in the Old password field.
- Enter the New password.
- Confirm the new password.
- Click Change password.
Payment Gateway
Connect Stripe to Lightspeed Loyalty to allow customers to preload credit and pay with their credit card through your personalized app.
To connect Stripe, click Connect with Stripe, then follow the instructions outlined on the Stripe website.
Connect your business's Instagram account to Lightspeed Loyalty to have new posts appear in the news feed in your branded Loyalty app.
To connect your business's Instagram account, follow the instructions to the right of the Instagram Setup box.
Note: this feature is only available in the Premium + app package.