The Payment screen allows you to process payments, split bills, add tips, void receipts and more. Create payment methods in Restaurant Manager to process different types of payments for an order in Restaurant POS.
You can also record payments and add/adjust tips during the End Day and End Shift processes. See Using End Shift and Using End Day for more information.
On the Order screen in Restaurant POS, tap the
If there are multiple receipts, tap the receipt you want to process payment for. See Splitting a Bill for more information.
Tap the desired payment method from the options along the bottom of the screen.
Enter the payment amount given by the customer.
If the payment amount exceeds the receipt total:
Credit card payments: You’re prompted whether or not to set the overcharged amount as a tip. If you choose not to set the overcharge as a tip, the receipt will have a negative total.
- Non-credit card payments: The overcharged amount results in a negative receipt total, indicating change to be given.
To add a tip, tap the Add Tip button under the order items.
Enter the tip amount and tap OK.
When the payment is complete, you can:
- Tap a different receipt to process payment.
- Tap Order to return to the Order screen and continue adding items to the bill.
- Tap Finalize to close the order and return to the Tables screen.
- Adjust the paid amount, by swiping left on the total paid amount and tapping Change Amount.
- To change the payment type used in the transaction, tap on the total paid amount and tap Void Payment. Proceed to pay for the order with the appropriate payment type.
- Tap the payment-type button Void Receipt to process a refund. See Voiding a finalized receipt for more information.
- Add a tip, by tapping the Add Tip button.
- Adjust a tip, by tapping the Change Tip button.
Tip Handling with Credit Cards: