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Using a Bumpbar


A Bumpbar may be used to control the Lightspeed Kitchen display. We recommend purchasing the Bumpbar directly through Lightspeed as it is designed for use with Lightspeed Kitchen. 

The following actions are associated with the following Bumpbar keys:




 Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.08.36_PM.png Bump Moves ticket to the next cooking state
 Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.08.26_PM.png Unbump Moves ticket to the previous cooking state
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.08.48_PM.png Navigate screen The navigation arrows allow a user to move the cursor around the screen to select tickets or buttons. In dynamic view, the left or right arrows are used to navigate between ticket columns. In static view, the left or right arrows are used to navigate between ticket rows. The up and down arrows allow the user to move from the tickets screen to the Options Menu or Status filters. 
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.09.30_PM.png Select ticket number Corresponds to the ticket number - pressing a Bumpbar number will highlight the ticket with the corresponding number
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.09.18_PM.png View archived tickets Opens archived items screen
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.08.56_PM.png Cancel  Closes selected ticket or menu
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.09.05_PM.png  Enter  Opens selected ticket or menu
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.09.36_PM.png Prioritize Prioritizes selected ticket
Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.09.46_PM.png Open Show and Tell  Opens the detail view for the ticket to display item description and images
 Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.10.04_PM.png Open Show and Tell  Opens the detail view for the ticket to display item description and images
 Screen_Shot_2019-11-21_at_2.10.11_PM.png Open menu Opens the Options Menu 


What's next? 

For more information on ticket actions, see Interacting with Tickets.

For more information on navigating Kitchen, see Navigating the Kitchen display

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