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Creating users

From Restaurant Manager, create a user account for every employee that will access Restaurant POS. For accurate reporting and management, we recommend that you create a dedicated user account for each employee.

To create a user:

  1. From Restaurant Manager, select Users > Users
  2. From the Users page, select the Add User button.
  3. Choose the user settings and save your changes.




USERNAME The name that appears for the user throughout Restaurant POS.
PASSWORD A unique user password for logging in to Restaurant POS.
PIN A unique four-digit numeric PIN code used for logging in to the app using the PIN Login method (see Logging in to Restaurant POS).

Set the user access permissions as limited to Restaurant POS or both Restaurant POS and Manager.

If you allow a user to access both the Restaurant POS and Manager, they will be able to log in to Restaurant Manager from within Restaurant POS or from a web browser with the URL localservername-web.posios.com/management. See Assigning user groups and Assigning user roles for more information on how enabling user roles for Manager access.

FIRST AND LAST NAME The user's first and last name.
EMAIL The user's email address.
VISIBLE Enable this option to make the user visible in Restaurant POS.
IMAGE Click the Image and select a default user image, OR upload your own image by clicking Choose File, selecting your image, and then clicking Upload. The image assigned to a user appears on the user login screen and the Profile screen. The recommended dimensions for a user image are 100px by 135px.

The user's social security number. (Not required in North America).

Important: For Belgian users to conform to the Fiscal Data Module you must enter the user’s 11-digit INSZ/BIS number in the Social sec# field. If a valid INSZ/BIS number is not entered, the user will not be ready for use.

TELEPHONE The user's telephone number.
GSM The user’s cellular telephone number.
STREET, STREET NUMBER, CITY, ZIP The user's home address.
DEFAULT FLOOR Sets the floor that is displayed when the user logs in.
DEFAULT TABLE If a default table is selected, Restaurant POS opens on the table's Order screen when the user logs in, skipping the Tables screen.
ROLES This option appears after you save a new user. You can edit the individual roles for this user by selecting Edit roles. For information on setting the user permissions, see Assigning user groups and Assigning user roles.


What's next? 

Set the user permissions (user roles) for the created user. See Assigning user roles.

If a POS user ever forgets their unique password or PIN for logging in to the Restaurant POS app, an admin user will need to change this from the Users page on Restaurant Manager. See Resetting your password for more information.

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