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Editing orders

Once a product has been added to an order it becomes an order item. If required, users may further edit order items in a variety of ways.  Users may remove order items by swiping left on the order item name; users may add a customer to the order; users may edit order items by using the Item Options menu; or users may edit an order through the detailed Payments screen.


Editing order items with the Item Options menu 

The Item Options menu provides a variety of actions for order items. 

  1. On the Order screen in Restaurant POS, tap the order item in receipt view to open the Item Options menu.
  2. Tap an option to perform the action.
    NOTE: some actions may require certain user permissions or the help of a user with elevated permissions. See Assigning user groups and Using elevated permissions for more information. 


Item Options  


Change the ordered quantity

Edit name

Edit the product name that appears on the kitchen or bar ticket and receipt.

NOTE: You must have this permission enabled or request the help of a user with elevated permissions.

Change price

Modify the product price for that order item only.

NOTE: You must have this permission enabled or request the help of a user with elevated permissions.


Select a different modifier for the order item. This option is only available for products with assigned modifiers. See Assigning modifiers to categories and products.


Apply a discount to the order item. You must have a discount product created in order to apply discounts. See Creating Discounts

NOTE: You must have this permission enabled or request the help of a user with elevated permissions.

NOTE: Open discounts are currently unavailable in Quick Service mode.

Tax exempt

Apply or revert a tax exemption to the order item. This option is available in tax-exclusive accounts only. 

NOTE: You must have this permission enabled or request the help of a user with elevated permissions.


Process a refund for the order item. This option is only available for products with the Allow refund setting enabled. See Setting up refundable products.


Delete the order item from the order.


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