The S1F2 Smart Terminal with Printer is quick and easy to set up with Lightspeed Payments. When you receive the terminal from Lightspeed, it will already be configured for your account, so all you will need to do is plug in and pair the terminal.
It is important that you only use the terminal supplied to you by Lightspeed, as any terminal obtained from a third party may not be correctly configured for your account and could present a security risk.
Plugging in the terminal
In your box, you should find:
- Smart Terminal with Printer
- USB cable and power plug for charging
- SIM card*
- Receipt paper roll
Note: while a SIM card is provided by the manufacturer, only Wi-Fi is enabled by default. To inquire about adding standalone mode on Wi-Fi or 4G to your account, please reach out to your account manager or one of our dedicated sales representatives.
Before you can pair your terminal with your Lightspeed account, you'll need to make sure it is charged and set up.
To do so:
- Insert the paper roll:
- Press on the sides of the paper roll cover to open the cover.
- Place the paper roll in the terminal, making sure a little paper sticks out over the contactless logo on the casing.
- Close the cover.
- Plug the USB charging cable into the terminal and a power source. You can continue with the setup while the battery charges, but be sure to charge the terminal for at least 4 hours when charging for the first time.
- Press and hold the Power button until the display turns on.
- On the Welcome screen, select your preferred language.
- Tap the right arrow button on the screen.
The terminal will prompt you to set up your Wi-Fi connection.
To power the terminal off, press and hold the power button until a dialog box appears, then confirm that you want to turn the terminal off.
Connecting the terminal to your network
In order to connect your terminal with your Lightspeed account, you'll need to make sure it's connected to your network via Wi-Fi.
To do so:
- On the Setup Wi-Fi screen, select the + sign.
- Turn on the WLAN toggle switch.
- Select your Wi-Fi network from the list, or select the + sign and add the name (SSID) of your Wi-Fi network.
- Enter your Wi-Fi password and tap connect.
- Tap OK.
You should then see a Wi-Fi symbol at the top of the screen.
Your terminal will be preconfigured with your store information. You will need to confirm your store before you can pair the terminal with your Lightspeed account.
To do so:
- Navigate back to the main menu by tapping the back arrow.
- Your store name will be displayed and you will be prompted to confirm your store. Tap the blue checkmark to confirm.
You are now ready to pair the terminal with your Lightspeed account.
Optionally, depending on your network setup, it may be useful to set your terminal to a static IP address, rather than allowing it to use its default setting. This option ensures that your terminal's IP address does not change after a change is made to your network or in the case of a power outage.
- Setting a static IP address
Setting up a static IP address on the terminal
Note: To set your terminal to a static IP address, you will need information regarding your network setup. This information can be obtained from your network administrator.
To set up a static IP address:
- From the terminal, tap settings.
- Press Network.
- Enter the following PIN: 5773.
- Tap Wi-Fi > Settings.
- Tap Edit.
- Tap the up-arrow next to the Advanced Options title to make the DHCP menu option available.
- Scroll down to the DHCP menu.
- Tap on DHCP and switch it to static.
- Enter the static IP address, the gateway, and the network prefix you wish to set the terminal to. These settings can be obtained from your network administrator.
- Set the DNS to and
- Click on the green checkmark to save.
Pairing the terminal with Lightspeed Payments
To prepare your account and terminal for payment processing, you'll need to:
- create a payment type for Lightspeed Payments card transactions
- add the terminal to your account
To create the payment type in Restaurant Manager:
- Navigate to Payments > Payment Types.
- Click Add payment.
- Fill out the details of the payment type:
- Name: the name associated with this payment type in the Restaurant POS and in reports. This can be whatever you like, but should be something descriptive, for example, Card Payment or Credit/debit.
- Description: a description of what this payment type represents that will appear only in the Restaurant Manager. For example, it could say "card payments processed through Lightspeed Payments."
- Type: the payment type's function in Restaurant POS. This must be set to Lightspeed Payments.
- Color: determines the color of the button in Restaurant POS that will represent this payment type.
- Auto finalize: if enabled, the receipt will finalize once the payment is successfully processed.
- Auto print: can be set to off (printing must be manually initiated), transaction slip (customer and merchant copies of the transaction slip will be automatically printed when the transaction is completed), or itemized transaction slip (itemized versions of the transaction slip will be automatically printed when the transaction is completed).
- Visibility: displays the payment type as an available option in the checked apps.
- Click OK.
Once the payment type has been created, you can add the terminal to your account.
To do so:
- In Restaurant Manager, navigate to Payments > Payment Terminals.
- Click Add terminal.
- Enter your terminal details:
- Name: This can be whatever you like, but should be something descriptive, for example, Terminal 1 or Bar terminal.
- IP address: The terminal's IP address can be obtained from the terminal by tapping Settings > Device info. Enter the following PIN: 5773. The IP address will be listed under Wi-Fi address.
- Terminal ID: The terminal ID is comprised of the model number and serial number separated by a hyphen, for example, S1F2-000151234567890. The model and serial numbers can both be found by navigating to Settings > Device info.
- Optionally, check the Print transaction slip checkbox to print transaction slips from the terminal's built-in printer instead of your receipt printer.
- Optionally, check the Prompt user to enter tip checkbox to enable tipping on the terminal.
- Click OK.
Your terminal is now ready to process card transactions.