Order Anywhere is a paid add-on. Get in touch with your account manager or email sales@lightspeedhq.com to purchase an Order Anywhere subscription.
Order Anywhere is a mobile-friendly online ordering platform that integrates directly with the Lightspeed Restaurant POS app. To get started with Order Anywhere, you’ll need to first prepare your Restaurant Manager, configure your dedicated Order Anywhere iPad, and set up your Order Anywhere Back Office.
Preparing Restaurant Manager for Order Anywhere
Before setting up Order Anywhere, ensure your Restaurant Manager configurations are complete, up-to-date, and accurate. Additionally, you may need to adjust your categories, products, modifiers, and menus to differentiate between in-person and online ordering.
Company settings
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Settings > Company Settings.
- Fill in the Time Zone, DST ID, & Locales section. All fields are required to ensure your company settings are correct.
- Time Zone: Select the correct time zone for your location.
- DST ID: Select the Daylight Savings ID for your location so that the system can automatically change the time when the clocks change.
Locale settings: Select your preferred business language from the drop-down menu. This language is used for your reports, but not the language of your Back Office or iPad.
- Click Save.
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Products > Categories.
- Check your categories and products to determine if they’re ready to be added to Order Anywhere as is, or if you’d like to make changes.
- If all the products within a category are ready to be sold online, then add the entire category to your menu. However, make sure they don’t contain any Discount buttons, as these would appear online as well.
- If you’d only like to sell specific products online, like bestsellers, then create shortcut categories to group those products together.
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Products.
- Scroll down and click your desired product category.
- Click the product you’d like to customize.
- From the Image section, click Attach an image to upload an image of the product to be displayed on the Order Anywhere ordering page.
- Next to Add image, click Choose a file.
- Choose an image (under 500KB) from your files.
- Click Open.
- Once the image path appears in Restaurant Manager, click Upload.
- Select the image.
- Click Ok.
- From the Description section, write a description of the product.
- Click Ok to save.
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Products > Modifiers.
- Click Add Group.
- Fill in the following fields.
- Name: Enter a name for the modifier group.
- Display name: Enter the name of the modifier group that will display on your ordering page.
Multi-select: Enable multi-select to allow customers to select a specific range of modifiers. If multi-select is disabled, then customers can only select one option from this group.
- Click Ok to save.
- From Modifiers, click +New modifier.
When adding modifiers, it’s helpful to organize them by adding the best-selling modifiers first, so that your customers see them right away. Additionally, create a No additional toppings or No extras modifier for the customers that don’t want to make any changes to their order.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Name: Enter a name for the modifier.
- Price: Enter a price for the modifier, or leave the price at 0.00 if it can be added without an extra charge. The modifier takes the VAT percentage of the product it’s linked to.
- (Optional) Repeat as needed to add more modifiers.
- (Optional) Create a No additional toppings or No extras modifier for the customers that don’t want to make any changes to their order.
- Click Ok to save.
If your in-person and online menus are the same, then you don’t need to create an additional menu for Order Anywhere. However, if your online ordering menu is different, you'll need to create one or more additional menus for Order Anywhere, like if you want separate lunch and dinner menus. The Order Anywhere menus will eventually be linked out to your ordering profiles.
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Products > Menus.
- Click New menu.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Name: Enter a name for the menu.
- Add a category: Select your desired categories from the drop-down menu.
- Click Save.
To edit the order in which the categories are displayed on Order Anywhere:
The order of your categories in Restaurant Manager, is also the order in which your categories are displayed on Order Anywhere. If you’d like to change the order in which the categories are displayed, then navigate to Categories and click Enable sorting. Drag and drop your categories into your preferred order, and then click Enable sorting again to apply your changes.
Floor plan
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Floors.
- Click the table you’d like to modify.
- From the Type section, select the type of order you want to process for this table.
For Takeaway and Delivery orders to appear in the Takeout section of your Restaurant POS app, you must have at least one table associated with each type in your floor plan. It’s also important that the Takeaway table is the first table created with this type because the Takeout section of your Restaurant POS app is linked to that table.
- Restaurant: Select Restaurant for dine-in orders, where customers can scan a unique QR code linked to a specific table and the order will automatically attach itself to that table.
- Takeaway: Select Takeaway for pickup orders, which will appear in the Takeout section of your Restaurant POS app. Make sure not to select Takeaway Simple because this type of table cannot properly associate customer data with orders.
- Delivery: Select Delivery for delivery orders, which will appear in the Takeout section of your Restaurant POS app.
- Click Ok.
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, go to Printing > Printer Templates.
- Click the printing template you’d like to modify.
- Enable the Show customer setting.
- Click Ok.
- (Optional) Repeat as needed to enable this setting for other printer templates.
Once you've finished preparing Restaurant Manager for Order Anywhere, you're ready to configure your dedicated Order Anywhere iPad.
Configuring your dedicated Order Anywhere iPad
Use a dedicated iPad to process your Order Anywhere orders. Keep this iPad connected to a power source and always have the Restaurant POS app running to ensure you never miss an order. We strongly discourage using an iPod or iPhone for Order Anywhere, as placing it on a table or in your pocket could prevent orders from being processed and sent to the bar or kitchen.
- Log in to Restaurant Manager with your Lightspeed account credentials.
- From the navigation menu, click Devices > Restaurant App Settings.
- Click Create New Profile.
- Fill in the following fields:
Name: Enter a recognizable name for your iPad, like “Order Anywhere iPad.”
- Devices using this profile: Click Add new device to profile, select your iPad from the drop-down menu, and click Yes.
Online orders: From the Accept and finalize incoming online orders section, select Automatically accept from the drop-down menu. Make sure that only one POS device is used to accept online orders using Order Anywhere, and that device is set to Automatically accept.
- Manually accept and finalize: We don’t recommend Manually accept and finalize for Order Anywhere since employees will need to manually send online orders to the kitchen or bar and close them out after they appear on the POS. If you have a second POS device for in-person dining, set it to Manually accept and finalize so that it doesn’t search for online orders.
- Automatically accept: Use Automatically accept on the POS device associated with Order Anywhere. Online orders will be automatically sent to the kitchen or bar after they appear on the POS, and employees will manually close them out. Automatically accept keeps orders open in case you need to make changes.
- Automatically accept and finalize: Automatically accept and finalize isn’t supported on Order Anywhere. The Automatically accept and finalize option should only be used for takeout/delivery orders and should not be used for dine-in orders because it closes the order and doesn't allow for changes.
Printer settings: Enable the Print when finalizing a receipt and Print bar and kitchen when finalizing settings. These printer settings ensure that the items on the receipt were actually sent to the bar or kitchen.
- Menu settings: Select the menu(s) you’d like to be available on the Order Anywhere iPad.
Name: Enter a recognizable name for your iPad, like “Order Anywhere iPad.”
- Click Save.
Once you've finished configuring you're dedicated Order Anywhere iPad, you're ready to start setting up Order Anywhere Back Office.
Setting up Order Anywhere Back Office
Logging into Order Anywhere Back Office
- Open the Order Anywhere Back Office on your web browser.
- (Optional) Bookmark http://mylightspeed.app so you could conveniently return to it in the future.
- Click Log in to your account.
- Click Lightspeed Restaurant POS (L-Series).
- Click Continue to login page.
- Enter your Lightspeed Restaurant credentials.
- Click Sign in.
- Click Allow to give Order Anywhere access to your Lightspeed account. You'll need to allow access each time you open a new Order Anywhere Back Office session.
- (Optional) If you have multiple Order Anywhere accounts, select your desired location by clicking your company name on the top left corner of the screen.
Customizing your account
Make sure all account information is complete, up-to-date, and accurate in order to successfully activate your online payments and delivery services.
- Log in to the Order Anywhere Back Office.
- From the navigation menu, click My account.
- Fill in the Business information section. All fields are required to ensure your business details are correct.
- Trade name: Enter your business name.
- Email: Enter the email associated with your business.
- Website: Enter the website associated with your business.
- Phone: Enter the phone number of your business.
- Business type: Select the type of business from the drop-down menu.
- Fill in the Address section.
- Street name and number: Enter the physical address of your business.
- Country: Enter the country where your business is located.
- Zip or postal code: Enter the zip or postal code of your business location.
- City: Enter the city where your business is located.
- (US only) State: Enter the state where your business is located.
- Fill in the Automatic emails section, which determines how receipts are emailed to your customers.
- Preferred language: Select your preferred language for automatic emails sent to your customers.
- Fill in the Social media section to customize which of your social media accounts are displayed on your online ordering page.
- Social media platform: Select your social media platform from the dropdown menu.
- URL: Enter the website associated with your social media account.
- (Optional) Add link: Click Add link to add more social media pages to your website.
- Click Save.
Customizing Order Anywhere settings
- Log in to the Order Anywhere Back Office.
- From the navigation menu, click Settings.
- Select Appearance.
- Add a banner image. If you don’t add a banner image or you remove an existing one, then Order Anywhere will display a stock image instead.
- Drag and drop the file into the box next to Banner image, or click the box to browse for the image. The file must be a .JPG or .PNG format, under 1 MB in size, and 1080px or higher in resolution.
- Select the order types for which your profile image will appear.
- (Optional) To remove the banner image, click Delete.
- Add a logo. You can upload light and dark mode logos. If you only upload one logo, then it will be used for both modes. If you don’t add a logo or you remove all existing ones, then Order Anywhere will display your business name to customers instead.
- Drag and drop the file into the box under Light mode or Dark mode, or click a box to browse for the image. The file must be .JPG or .PNG format, under 5 MB in size, and 1700px or higher in resolution.
- (Optional) Add another logo for the other color scheme.
- (Optional) Click Preview to see how your logo will look to customers on both desktop and mobile devices.
- (Optional) To remove your logo, click Delete.
- Click Save.
Business hours
Business hours are different from ordering hours. To set specific ordering times, like lunch menus, configure your ordering profile settings.
- Log in to the Order Anywhere Back Office.
- From the navigation menu, click Settings.
- Select Business hours.
- Edit your restaurant’s business hours for each day of the week.
- (Optional) Click Add shift to add multiple shifts for the same day should you be closed between services.
- Click Save.
Payment settings
Customers can pay for their orders directly online, or they can pay in-person at your restaurant. Check out Enabling payments for Order Anywhere for a detailed guide to payment settings.
Order settings
- Log in to the Order Anywhere Back Office.
- From the navigation menu, click Settings.
- Select Order settings.
- In the Customer reviews section, toggle on Customer review emails to enable automatic review emails to be sent to customers after their orders are completed. The review will consist of rating the restaurant on a scale of five stars, with the option to leave a comment.
- Click Save.